The CoolSculpting fat-freezing procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. The results are proven, noticeable, and lasting—so you’ll look great from every angle.

Developed by renowned Harvard University scientists Dieter Manstein, MD, PhD and R. Rox Anderson, MD, the cooling process was born of the observation that some children got dimples due to eating popsicles. The idea that cold can selectively affect fat was the insight behind the proven cryolipolysis science on which the CoolSculpting technology is based.

CoolSculpting cryolipolysis is the non-invasive cooling of adipose tissue to induce lipolysis – the breaking down of fat cells – to reduce body fat without damage to other tissues. The scientific principles of the CoolSculpting cryolipolysis procedure were discovered by dermatologists Dieter Manstein, MD, PhD and R. Rox Anderson, MD, of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.

How Does It Work?

CoolSculpting and other forms of cryolipolysis have a high success rate. They are effective for removing areas of fat from the body, and have fewer side effects than other procedures, such as liposuction.Though this procedure can remove areas of fat, it is not a miracle cure, and people should not expect to see a complete removal of fat. The procedure will not work for everybody, and some people may experience worse side effects than others. Likewise, CoolSculpting cannot tighten loose skin. If the skin has stretched around fatty buildups, a person may have excess skin after the procedure to remove the fat.

What Areas Can Be Treated To?

Body regions where CoolSculpting is considered safe and effective for removing minor fat deposits include: abdomen, thighs, under the chin and upper neck, flanks, under the armpit, back, buttocks and under buttocks.

During the Treatment

Most people require only one treatment for a 20% reduction in localized fat cells. However, some people choose to have additional treatments for further fat reduction. Upon arriving for your CoolSculpting visit, we will first discuss the area to be treated and mark out the site with marker. You will then be positioned comfortably prior to the attachment of the CoolSculpting applicator. When the applicator is applied, you will experience a very cold sensation, but this improves after just a few minutes. For the remainder of the procedure, most people do not feel any cold or discomfort.

After The Treatment

The treatment itself takes one hour, during which you can read, sleep or watch movies. Once the hour is completed, we will remove the applicator and gently massage the treated area. CoolSculpting non-invasive fat reduction technique is an exciting and effective development in the removal of body fat.

Fat Cells Freeze

It is important to understand that CoolSculpting does not deliver immediate results. As your body gradually metabolizes the damaged fat cells, you’ll notice the treatment area become smoother and tauter. It typically takes about 3 to 4 months for the full results of CoolSculpting to become apparent. Since CoolSculpting destroys fat cells of %20-%30, it delivers long lasting results. Once your fat cells are gone, they won’t be able to grow back again. However, keep in mind that receiving a CoolSculpting treatment does not mean you’ll never gain weight in the targeted area again so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential.

When I See The Results?

The fat cells are then gradually flushed out of the body through natural processes over the next 8-12 weeks. Patients typically need 2-3 treatments to see optimal results. CoolSculpting destroys fat cells of %20-%30, it delivers long lasting results.