Aesthetic operations can take back the time but not stop the time. However, it is the only organ that can stay young with the help of the right methods and continuous care. Therefore, you should know the new generation of skin rejuvenation methods.

Botox eliminates or reduces wrinkles by preventing the movement of mimic muscles. It has no effect on skin texture and quality, provides a positive facial expression and a better appearance. The result lasts 4-6 months and can be repeated if desired. It can also be retouched 7-14 days after botox is done.

During the aging process, the first lines begin to appear in the corners of the mouth, the folds that separate the mouth-cheek area deepen. Hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are now used to prevent these defects. An anesthetic cream applied to the area before 30 minutes of the application and it takes around 20 minutes. You immediately notice the change in your face after the procedure. Temporary mild swelling may occur. But there is no obstacle to return to work with a suitable concealer product. This treatment last for around 6-12 months.

Mesolift is a mesotherapy treatment specifically designed for skin regeneration and revitalization. The treatment uses a super dose of vitamins and minerals to revitalize tired skin, replenish nutrients and it also helps repair sun damaged skin. Mesolift therapy does not require surgery and “down-time”. Patients may return to their daily routine immediately. Treatment consists of a series of micro-injections with a pool of vitamins (A, E, C, D, B, K) which provide an anti-deficiency function; amino-acids that allow better protein construction; minerals that guarantee the ionic balance of the medium; coenzymes to activate the biochemical reaction and nucleic acids to stimulate synthesis of the derma and thereby restructure the entire tissue. Those elements all together can revitalize and tighten loose skin in the face and neck area. Mesolift does not replace a Face-Lift. It improves skin tone and texture and many patients report feeling the skin tighter. Results are seen immediately after the first treatment and the effects of Mesolift treatment are cumulative.

The chemical peels used in the treatment of spots are one of the most effective options for skin rejuvenation. The process takes only 10-15 minutes, and even after the first session, your skin looks much brighter and more bright. The acid peeling sessions even the lightest ones cleanse the dead cells of the skin. In the following sessions, the effect of the process will be increased by using acid-containing peeling treatment at higher concentrations as your skin gets used to. Six sessions with about ten days intervals can restore its glow that is lost.