Some procedures exist to have a perfect neck and decollete without having any surgical operation.

Since your neck and decollete area has a sensitive skin, signs of aging such as thinning, sagging and prominent wrinkles appear quickly. Our skin in the neck and decollete area has a thinner skin structure than the face area. Since it is much thinner and more sensitive than facial skin, it is more tend to any kind of damage. Over the time, the muscular tissue under the skin gets weaken and longitudinally folds, horizontal and vertical lines may become.

Most of us forget to apply skin care products such as moisturizer and sunscreen to the neck and decollete. This area is also where we do not notice the signs of aging until we meet them. Our neck is greatly influenced by the way we stand, even when we sleep, our neck is constantly curled, folded, takes various shapes.

Issues in Neck and Decollette

Wrinkles and ultraviolet rays come from the sun are the main causes of damage to the neck skin. The skin of the neck easily loses its elasticity due to the effect of gravity. Therefore it sags. An essential protein called collagen is very important for the skin. It provides skin more tighten, elastic and youthfull appearance. If it reduces, skin becomes more sensitive and wrinkles, sugging, dark spots and folding occur.

Double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin. There is a right angle between the jaw and the neck when we are young. However over the time, this angle expands, becomes obscure, turns into a straight line. This is called ‘turkey neck’. The skin, which loses its firmness in time, can cause an unwanted sag and wrinkle on the neck area. It is possible to renew and rejuvenate the appearance of the neck and decollete with some non surgical procedures by the help of developing technology.

Neck Rejuvenation

Botox has been used for many years to treat the horizontal and vertical lines in the neck and decollete. A better view can be obtained with Botox, which is performed once every 4-6 months. This process finishes in 5-10 minutes. We may use local anesthetic cream if its needed.  Botox ensures very good results especially in new wrinkles.

Botox treatment is used to have a better chin. Botox is a more appropriate solution compare to classical face lifting procedures especially when the lines are very deep on the neck area. In the decollete area, we prefer rejuvenation methods with mesolifting and some other procedures. It is possible to obtain a more tighten and firm skin by filling some special materials onto the sugging areas and to the fine lines.

Collagen loss and head bending movement can cause horizontal neck lines. Filling and mesotherapy treatment can be used to stimulate collagen protein in subjected area. Apart from Botox, asic-based fillers and mesotherapy can give positive results as well. Those treatments only take 15 minutes. Fillers affects last 6-10 months, mesotherapy lasts 4-6 months.

Laser, Radio Frequency and Ultrasound Waves

For saggings and wrinkles on the decollete and neck area there are some technological systems treatments. Laser systems, radiofrequency and ultrasound technologies can be used to obtain much better satisfied results compare to surgery. No downtown is the other advantage.

Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the chest. Ultherapy uses time-tested ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin naturally-without surgery or downtime. Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin and on the eyebrow. Now also FDA-cleared to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage, Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher look from your brow to your chest! Ultherapy harnesses the power of ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck and chest. Ultrasound, of course, has been used throughout the medical field for more than 50 years, and Ultherapy has been established as effective in clinical studies and in over a million treatments worldwide.

Ultherapy relies on ultrasound therapy to deliver its collagen-boosting treatment. It also incorporates traditional ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to see the layers of tissue they are treating, ensuring the treatment energy is delivered to where it will be most beneficial.

The effects begin to emerge from the second week. The effect lasts about two years.

Vshape uses radiofrequency used to stimulate the subcutaneous connective tissue therefore tightening and recovery of fine lines and saggings start on the neck area. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes and 5-6 sessions with 10 day intervals is enough for effective results. Procedure is painless so it does not require any anesthesia thus the person can return to social life immediately after the procedure. Result can be observed just after the procedure,  complete results are visible in 6 weeks after the last session. It may last 1-1,5 years that depends on the age, genetic, skin care of the patient. Sessions every 6 month make the result more permament.

ClearLift Laser, stimulates collagen fibers that give tightness and firmness to the skin. It scans problematic areas in thin columns and creates microscopic small holes that cannot be seen. It tightens the skin; stimulates collagen elastin tissue and cells, increases skin elasticity, improves skin tone. The “lifting effect” that occurs on your skin comes from your own. The most important difference from classical lasers is that they do not cause any harm on the skin and the healing process is very fast which means no downtown. With ClearLift, 4-6 sessions are enough for satisfying results. Treatment can be done as 7 to 14 days intervals. The sessions do not take more than 20 minutes and you can continue your daily life immediately. Patients usually see the results after the first session.