In recent years, the trend towards regional thinning and body shaping is shifting towards non-surgical solutions. In the case of unwanted excess fat and weight, surgery is not the only solution. Fats that accumulate in certain areas of the body both distort your contour due to their volumes and  gathering in specific areas of your body. With the advance technology, it is now possible for people to reach the results in a short time without pain. With the right technology and the right treatment, it is now easier to have a fit and well shape body.

Thanks to the VShape method, which uses both ultrasound and radiofrequency technologies at the same time, fat tissue is ruptured by the sound waves and the fats are removed from the body within a few months. Velashape III, one of the devices we use in regional thinning and shaping, is a sytem where four different treatments are combined in one device, providing a general improvement of the skin structure by reducing the appearance and volume of the fat tissue. Like other devices that we use, Velashape III is also FDA approved and has many awards among body contouring devices.

VelaShape Body Contouring & Cellulite Treatment

Vela Shape III equipment-based technology that has proved itself not only as safe and comfortable but also as an effective technology in the aesthetic medicine has jointed ELOS technology. RF light, and tissue mobilisation ensure that a depth of penetration beneath the skin layer is achieved for effective, controlled heating and claimed enhanced metabolism of fatty tissue. The conducted RF increases oxygen intracellular diffusion by heating the adipose (fatty) tissue to a depth of 5-15mm; the infrared light increases elasticity of skin and heats subcutaneous fat (beneath the skin) to a depth of up to 5mm, while safeguarding the skin from damage; and the tissue mobilisation (vacuum) manipulates and smoothes out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient energy delivery. Tissue mobilisation is facilitated by rotating, self-cleaning electrodes to ensure excellent coupling with the skin. Session just takes 30-40 minutes. During application, the skin’s surface is protected, the skin is heated to 40-42 degrees, only heat is felt. The patient can continue his life comfortably after the session.

VShape Body Contouring Treatment

VShape is one of the most prominent technologies in the body shaping and regional thinning methods, since it is a treatment that simultaneously affects many problems in the body. The radio frequency and ultrasound technologies are used together in a single system and by focussing and destroying fat cells, it removes unwanted accumulated fat in the abdomen, waist and leg area by high intensity ultrasound energy. The RF technology creates electrical currents that stimulate collagen-making cells to go into overdrive making new collagen. This entire process is gentle, more so than light-based lasers. We can even do directly under the eyes. The microneedles do not pierce your skin or make it bleed, making the chance of infection minimal. In order to get desired results, 5 to 6 sessions of 10-day intervals are sufficient depending on the selected treatment area.